Women's Tailored Shirts
By sheer power of re-appropriation, Maffeis’ italian tailor made womens’ shirts express unyielding will and unchallenged charachter. The masterful mix of styles and fabrics, for you to customize, for you to make your statement. Be it sensual or strong, or both, we can’t wait to create it.
Never before have women around the world been achieving huge professional milestones, every day. There is no shortage of challenges, however; in fact, there almost seems to be more than before.
Now we want to refer to you as a strong, determined and confident woman. Don’t be afraid to pursue your dreams and strive to achieve them, to know how to motivate yourself and others by making difficult decisions and facing challenges with courage and strength. We want you to be able to maintain the right balance between your professional and private life and not be intimidated by obstacles.

You may be wondering how we do all this: wearing a shirt made according to your values and tastes, handmade by our tailors.
A garment capable of enhancing your figure by adapting to your personal style, capable of conveying the image you want and accompanying you with comfortable perfection throughout the day.
Our tailored shirt is the perfect way to communicate your personality, values and success.
We know the importance of feeling comfortable and at ease with what you wear, and with these principles our designers have fused different styles and fabrics that will be enhanced with your personal touch and make your shirt unique and timeless, suitable for any look you want to wear.

Safe, encrypted transactions

fast support
Always ready to support

Hand Made
We take care of you

30 day return
On non-tailored products
Our promise: you've never seen tailored shirts like these.
Tailored shirts are both timeless and innovative: so incredible their legacy, so vast the amount of possibilities. We designed our first women’s shirt collection to quietly impress, through simple suredness and undoubted charachter.